Post 1: PR Campaign Plan Idea

For the first step of this module, I decided that I would base my idea on a social issue as this could potentially allow me to create a strong PR campaign. Due to this, I decided a charity such as Crisis would be a good start as they help homeless people which is a relevant issue in the UK. Furthermore, I chose this campaign to be based around UK retailer Primark as this company provide clothing which may be affordable for lower income customers and so issues of homelessness and poverty may be relevant to some of their demographic. Below is my PowerPoint based on this idea.

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Air Ambulance Video Tutorial Project

Overview: A member of my family working for the Air Ambulance recommended me to assist in a video project which the staff wanted creating. This video project was a tutorial on how to insert a Subclavian line into a patient which was represented by using a training model. The staff involved wanted this project to […]

Soundwaves of Media Podcast: Public Relations Guest Speaker

As part of a University group project, we created a podcast based on our chosen media industry of public relations. For this podcast, our hosts Ben and Barbara interviewed Amy Ahmed-Dolphin, Whistle PR Account Director, about the PR industry, career experiences, and advice for anyone aspiring to enter this field. Provided in this section is […]
