Covid-19 and Young People Short Video Project

This video project was an attempt to create a short video based on a specific informative topic with only an hour to plan. This topic was also created to show a specific point of view through video. See bottom of the page for the rules surrounding the project.

Project rules and how we adhered to them:

The topic chosen had to be relevant and show our personal opinion throughout. (We picked Covid-19 and students, and our personal opinion was to side with the students.)

The planning stage was exactly 1 hour and could not be extended after the seminar. (We created a script and a rough storyboard in this time, however we deemed that the storyboard was too rough to be posted.)

The filming could, however, take place over the week. (Filming took place over 3 separate days due to prior commitments interfering with the other days)

All video and audio had to be recorded on a phone to demonstrate our ability without professional technology. (The whole video was shot on an iPhone 7)

Stock footage was allowed, but only if we made sure the licensing was ok. (Both pieces of stock footage used in our project came under the Pixabay license with no attribution required for either personal or commercial use)

Editing software was allowed in post-production. (We used Adobe Premiere Pro)

My Personal Reflection:

I feel as though, given the strict rules, this project turned out well. I was happy with the overall structure and narrative throughout which occurred mainly due to our planning. The storyboard was adhered to in every shot bar one, which we had to change due to location issues. Although the camerawork was exclusive to mobile phones, I was please with the overall quality of the shots as they looked somewhat professional despite not using professional hardware. If this project had been a larger one, I would have liked to have been more technical with the editing, using techniques such as J cuts or adding different images as pop-ups on the screen to reinforce the points we were making, however the simplistic editing style helps to give more focus to what was being said rather than how polished the product was. There are certainly some areas I would have liked to have improved upon. The main issue which stands out to me is audio. There is a buzzing noise which can be heard every time speech is used which is due to the low quality of audio device available during this project. If this project had used professional equipment, I am confident that this would not have been the case. Additionally, I feel as though we could have used more references and statistics to back up our points, yet due to the short time we were given to plan, this wasn’t the case. To improve upon this, I need to learn how to improve my efficiency when in pre-production roles which I believe may come with more practice.

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