Political Broadcast Planning Group Task

Disclaimer: Due to the political nature of this task, and the product designed within the group, I would like to make it clear that this plan in no way reflects mine our the group’s own views, nor is it any more than a planning task. This is not something the group are planning on creating as a real product, however is a hypothetical meant to challenge us and strengthen our planning skills.

In our seminar on political broadcasts within the media (such as Novara Media) we were tasked in groups to plan our own political broadcast in an hour, including a name, logo, and plan of how we would proceed if we were to try and make something like this professionally. As a challenge, I decided to try and create something entirely opposite to my own political views as I wanted to create a project which would need a great amount of thought rather than just using my prior political knowledge. This was also part of my recently ongoing goal to push myself with my work rather than sticking to a comfort zone. As a result, the group and I decided that we would plan a right wing political broadcast. Below is the name and logo chosen by us.

I was responsible for the logo and, given the time restrictions, I believe that I managed to create something near to what a professional logo may look like. In the short time we were given, I believe I have demonstrated not only my creative thinking (as the input for the logo was mostly from me), but also my technical skill when it comes to creating a physical logo.

There are certainly areas that I would improve upon if this was created professionally. First of all, the edges seem somewhat rough due to the fact I rendered this logo with a lower resolution than I should have. This was a mistake that I did not realise until after, and by the time I had we did not have much time left to go back and change this. In a professional project, I would allocate far more time to the design process in order to get things looking as neat as possible. Furthermore, due to time restrictions there are parts of the logo which have not been approved for commercial copyright. In a professional project, it is important to make sure all intellectual property is dully noted in order to avoid plagiarism and legal issues. Similarly to the design process, I would allocate far more time into the copyright behind this design as it is important that the logo does not create any issues for the company.

Attached below is our notes on how we would plan this broadcast if we were to produce it in real life.

One area that we would need to consider in a professional role would be creating a pitching presentation rather than just sharing notes. This presentation would be useful as it would allow us to share visual aspects of a project as well as our thoughts and plans. In addition, presentations are a key way to engage a potential investor/ producer as it shows that we aren’t just planning hypotheticals and are actually looking at creating a genuine project. However, as this project was a hypothetical, we deemed this unnecessary at the time.

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