Digital Geography Blog

Digital geography is an almost self-explanatory term, giving indications that geographical studies and landscapes are embracing the digital age and adapting to new technologies, with digital technologies having a significant role in modern geographic practice. (Ash, Kitchin, Leszczynski, 2018).  Digital geography is very often centred around ideas of space and place, with the former meaning […]

280MAPA Podcast – “How does Twitter create a virtual sense of place?”

This section is about my 280MAPA individual podcast/ audio essay. For my podcast, I decided to look at how Twitter uses digital geography and creates a virtual sense of place, with key focus on a community known as football Twitter. Here is a video version of my podcast: Here is an audio only version of […]

Media Ecology Blog

A definition of ecology is the “study of the relationships between organisms and their environment”. (Britannica, n.d.) This definition is relevant towards media ecology as a relationship between digital communication environments and their users.  People, the users of these digital environments, are often influenced by non-digital environments with aspects of these potentially impacting actions and […]

Cultural Geography Blog

When looking at the idea of cultural geography, it is important to understand what exactly that means first and foremost. When explaining this topic, Jon Anderson stats that “It exists to give us insights, feelings, and understandings of our place in the world.” (Anderson, 2015, p.3). Essentially, what this means is that cultural geography takes physical […]
