205MAPA Harry Potter Watchdog Style Video

This artefact is a parody of Harry Potter and BBC Watchdog called “Watch Frog”. If this video doesn’t work, click the link below to find the video project on my Google Drive. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GP43QnvXZUoQAyUyaKT33Mx1kQKotXOF/view?usp=sharing Sources: Crew: Ben Mullins, Kian Husain Bor, Olive Oshinyemi, Rebecca Nwuba, Samiat Basorun, Junyoung Choi. Music: All music used was available under […]

205MAPA Essay Plan

For my 205MAPA Essay, I will be focusing on an audience’s reading of a text, and how these readings contribute to the production of further meanings. For this, I will be looking at participatory culture and fan culture. Areas of focus will be on how fanfiction is used both to create new content, but also […]
